Hi there and welcome!

I’m Jared and I'm the pixel pusher behind jearbearable.art. I’m a multimedia artist and print designer based out of my home studio in Indianapolis. I specialize in illustration, using a combination of digital and traditional techniques to bring your commissions to life!

I graduated from the studio arts program at Humboldt State university and after receiving my degree, I decided to work as a freelancer and pursue my own projects. I’ve been making logos, portraits, creatures, game art, and shirt designs. After some time I realized that the printing process is pretty complicated and is constantly evolving, so I decided to jump into the industry as a digital artwork specialist to learn the best ways to create designs intended for quality printing. I’ve personally handled the artwork preparation for hundreds of businesses, small and large, and can ensure that your designs and commissions will always look their best.

I love making cool things and I put this site together to host all of the projects I’m working on in addition to my illustration work.

Already have a project in mind? Lets get started!

I’ll walk you through every step of the process from commissioning an illustration to having artwork digitized. Feel free to reach out with any questions.