Beginner’s Tips for Commissions

Hi there, thank you for your interest in an artwork commission! I know talking about art can be complicated sometimes but I put this guide together to get you started with a framework of questions you can use to outline your project. If you read through this guide and find I haven't covered something specific that you’re looking for, ask me about it here.


Your initial goals in requesting a commission are to describe your project in as much detail as possible and to start gathering reference images to help fill in detail. Once I’ve received your commission request and contacted you about your project, I'll request that you send me all the reference materials that you’ve gathered. All commission requests are confidential and I do not keep the references you send as part of the commission process. For more information on the commission process, please see my terms of service. If you don’t have a specific design idea in mind and/or you aren't sure what possibilities are out there, then start with the basic questions below and reach out to me with questions.


Character Commission Details

How old is your character?
If they’re a fantasy character, what race are they?
What kind of equipment would they carry? Do they wear any special accessories?
How do you picture their personality?
Do they have any distinguishing features like a tattoo or facial scar?

Logo Designs 

Tell me a bit about your brand or business, what kind of image do you want to put out into the world?
Do you have an existing logo? If so, what aspects of that old design did you like?
What kinds of logo designs have you seen in the world that aesthetically resonated with you?

Basics to Consider

How many and what kind of designs do you need? 
 Do you have specific dimension or resolution requirements?
If you’re not sure, would you like a recommendation?  
Where/how will the finished commission/s be used? eg: book cover, gift, website, greeting card, wall art, all these?
  What is your budget for this project?